
The Worst Things Ever Said To Grievers

I just read 64 of the Worst Things Ever Said to a Griever. Yeah, brings out awful memories. My personal worst: after my mom died, and evangelical type told me that if I’d prayed right, she would have been healed. I don’t remember my response, but I doubt it was pretty or polite. However, I expect I was so stunned that I remained silent. Most importantly, I remember this decades later. It deeply tainted my relationship with evangelical Christians.

Reading through the list, I see that most of these “worst” are very self-centered. Stepping out of your ego and seeking compassion are the best ways to be a decent human being.

Fortunately, these bloggers have created 64 of the Best Things Ever Said to a Griever. It’s not hard to be kind.

So, folks, simply be awesome to each other.

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