Naval Station Puget Sound Sign

The First Airfield at Sand Point in Seattle

When I was a boy, we re-settled in Seattle as my dad was transitioning out of the Navy. Proximity to the commissary, Navy Exchange, and other amenities of the Sandpoint Naval Station were key elements to our choices of housing. This facility has long been a key part of my life.

Valarie, at Wedgwood in Seattle History, wrote a fun article about a piece of its history: The First Airfield at Sand Point in Seattle. As something of a scholar of regional history, I appreciate people who can expand my knowledge. And Valarie delivers in this regard! I won’t give away too much of her post, but here are two of my favorite tidbits:

  • I never heard of the First World Flight, whose centennial is coming up.
  • I appreciate the details of how the Airfield was established because of insights from WWI.

So, I recommend heading over and checking out this article. If you’re interested in Seattle’s history, you should subscribe to her blog.

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