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A Blogging Challenge

I don’t generally do these, but I’m starting to think I should. Take the opportunity to write more, right (write?)?

Anyway, Pooja posted this challenge to everyone/anyone who read the post (here’s the post that was the challenge to her). So, let’s explore this, shall we?

How did you come up with your blog name? 

Well, this one’s pretty easy: it’s my name. And, nerd that I am, my goal was to capture the SEO surrounding my name. And I feel pretty successful. This blog is in the first position on a SERP for “carl setzer“.

If your blog was a person (fiction or real), who would it be?

Very interesting notion and question. I’m trying to think of a character who loves writing poetry, but also writes about a slew of random stuff. I’m drawing a blank, though.

What helps you create new content if you feel like you need some inspiration?

Like Pooja, I often get inspired by other bloggers. That’s what’s going on with this post. Another who’s

good for inspiration is my friend Bill Pearse and his blog “Pink Lightsabre“.

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?

I haven’t thought of collaborating in some time. It sounds like fun, but I’ll need to think about it further. If anyone has any ideas, I’m open.

Is there anything more you wish you had or would like to learn as a blogger?

One of my key goals as a blogger is to become a “better writer”. I’m working on defining that better. Most of my time as a blogger has been spent, well, flailing. No real focus, nor goals. I’m working on that, though.

Do you have a specific style of blogging?

Like Pooja said in her post, my style is pretty random and chaotic. Looking over the past few years, I seem to have settled in on poetry, especially Haiku.

So, my nominees?

I’m going to start with Bill Pearse at Pink Lightsabre. He’s also a blogger who I highly recommend others read. I also recommend DavidWDon (another writer of Senrye & Haiku) and Michelle Lee at “My Inspired Life“.

I’ll add similar disclaimers as Pooja for my nominees: don’t feel any pressure. That is NOT my intent. Also, if you’re inclined to add to this challenge, please do!

4 thoughts on “A Blogging Challenge”

  1. Thanks so much for participating in the challenge, I really enjoyed reading your answers. I’m trying to be a better writer and blogger too so I can definitely relate to that answer.

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