Music via YouTube

I like to listen to Trip Hop while I’m working. Today this one popped into my feed:

What first caught my attention was that this DJ was streaming from her kitchen, which is pretty cool. Oh, and I’m very jealous of this kitchen! But then I noticed this:

A stuffed llama! I thought “That’s so cool”. And, sure, that marks me as one type of nerd. But it gets better! I then think “LLama”…Large Language Ama”. Hmmm….now if I ever build an AI platform, I’m going to call it “LL Llama”. Sounds like a stutter.

Ok, I’ve flung enough dad jokes your way. Do you like to listen to a certain type of music while you’re working? What sort?

3 thoughts on “Music via YouTube”

  1. We’ve been listening to trance/ mediation type music here, in the hope that it reduces anxiety for my wife as she does rehab exercises. I usually need silence to concentrate for challenging written work.

  2. It’s hard to know if it’s therapeutic, but it is good relaxing background for repetitive exercises. For more demanding exercises designed to develop the strength to stand and balance (requiring hands on support and/ or very close supervision) I have been using Seattle’s Delvon Lamarr, among others. This is from your local radio station.

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