
Funny discussion recently: using non-phone photos on Instagram…cheating or no? Fascinating thoughts about purpose, medium, and veracity. To me, all art embraces a zen quality. Cheating doesn’t exist. Well, not in this context. Plagiarism, another beast, another story.

So, the question remains, and no answer comes from me. You?

Overwhelmed -or- My Inbox Is A Blizzard Of Data

My inbox is out of control. I know others feel this, too. This blizzard of information, inboxes, tweets, Facebook, texts, calls, news-sites…on and in it goes. We’ve gone far past data saturation.

I’s wondered lately where we go from here. How do we cope with this? Tools are being developed, but most seem to focus on new ways to deliver. Perhaps different packaging, clever design; but the problem isn’t readability, it’s volume. How do we filter?

Our culture has never faced this before. Never has information been so commoditized. Never have we had all the world’s assembled knowledge sitting in our pockets.

Most of us filter by ignoring, where it’s views we don’t like, voices we find annoying, or just deleting this one email “this one time”. Yet, for me at least, that’s unsatisfying. I value discussion. Value getting new voices heard, new ideas expressed.

Yet, without finding away to increase our absorption rate, it seems we’re faced with blocking information flow. Unless (and here’s my hope) we build a tool to help. Some new and clever way to relate to information.

For this I wait.

A Song That Launched A Thousand Memes

The young and effervescent Carly Rae Jepsen’s cute toon, “Call Me Maybe” has been causing great delight within the interwebs. This PR firm in Jersey was featured on HuffPo, and my attention was caught.

But then I found SMU’s Womens’ Crew Team…

Which is apparently a reply to Harvard’s Baseball Team’s video…

It’s going a bit crazy on the YouTube…

And (yes, ‘and’…and my last bit here…), my chums at Vista Print have a “business” card you can hand out.

I get a kick out of how a simple little song can inspire such a wave of creativity. Shows you another power of the internet!

So, to close this out, here’s the original tune…enjoy!

(Hey, if this inspires you to craft something…leave me a note in the comments…)

Today’s Star Wars Items

Interesting that today brought me not one, but two Star Wars items.

  1. I came across David Brin’s collections of essays putting Star Wars…well, George Lucas…on trial: Star Wars On Trial. I feel some weakening of my geek-cred since I’ve never even heard of this collection.
  2. My friends over at Geekwire posted this piece about the upcoming Kinect Star Wars game. This will certainly be an affront to the Star Wars faithful. Perhaps if you liked Jar-Jar, you’ll be ok with this.

I’d never considered the controversy around Star Wars. Ok, I’ve heard the debates about the prequels, and then the whole Shatner incident. Maybe you have. Let me know. Otherwise, just another weird, drippy day here in the great Puget Sound basin.