An uptick in Facebook & Instagram Spam Messages

scam alert letting text on black background

Last June I wrote about a scam running through my Facebook accounts. Well, I’ve now seen this a few times over the months. However, starting overnight last night, several of the pages I managed have been inundated with the message. I think I’m up to 7 or 8 on one page alone.

Here’s a screenshot of the message:

Meta Scam message: We have detected that a Facebook page associated with your Instagram account may be violating Meta policies.

Ultimately, it’s a phishing scam. If you click on the link, it’ll either ask you for your credentials or download malware…or both. Dear friends, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK!!!!

Part of me takes delight in reporting these…people…for spam and getting their accounts blocked. However, in the end, it’s just a game of whack-a-mole. Clearly, they are able to create new accounts as fast as they get deleted. A part of me wants to kick these folks in the gonads.

Anyway, I wanted share this ASAP and I’m sure there are some people alarmed and, thus, more likely to click on the link. Please be safe out there in cyberspace!

Some thoughts on community


I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of community lately during this time where we celebrate avarice and cruelty. Years ago, I discovered Steven Covey’s “7 Habits”, and one of his cornerstone principles is “interdependence”. This idea that we need each other, that our ideal state is working together, the over-used idea of “synergy”. That the whole collective is greater than the sum of the parts. It deeply resonated with me and it’s a concept I hold tightly to.

A related notion: Ubuntu. No, not the Linux variant, but the African concept of the criticalness of community. It roughly translates to “I am because you are”. This feels a lot like the notion of “Namaste”, or “I see you”.

Anyway, a friend of mine wrote a post where she explores Ubuntu. I thought she did such a fine job that I thought I’d share with you: “Big thoughts ep. 13: Ubuntu“. Enjoy!

All Hail The Sysadmins!

ethernet cables plugged on a server rack

I’ve long loved the webcomic xkcd. This one drifted through my inbox and thought it worthy of all the sysadmins I know.

As far as my own sysadmin skills, I do hate running cables and (shudder) crimping connectors. As I only have one thumb, these evolutions are rather uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.

Anyway, sysadmin types out there, you have my respect and admiration! Keep that uptime high!