
Anyone Remember OS/2?

Ah, OS/2! In the early 90s, I worked on a project for a Seattle stock brokerage, where we were digitizing key records. And, to be clearer, scanning them. This project’s systems needed OS/2, and it was my first introduction to this operating system.

It wasn’t well known at the point, but I was aware of it’s existence. I was intrigued and interested in exploring it. As I think back, my main takeaway: the system was quite stable. I spent very little time dealing with issues, blue screens, or other bugs. It seemed, in retrospect, to be a solid OS.

I have no recollection of using it anywhere else, even though I spent the 90s working myriad projects with many Seattle area companies. Odd, looking back. Odd.

YouTube’s algorithm served this video up today: “The Fall of OS/2”.

It provides lots of insights into how the product failed. And, the story doesn’t paint IBM of the 90s in a good light. It seems the main factors are marketing and leadership incompetence, exacerbated by some petty internal politics. These seem to have been larger factors that Microsoft’s efforts.

I haven’t thought about OS/2 in years. After watching this video, I lament its loss. What would the modern OS environment look like if we’d had a viable non-Microsoft OS on x86 systems? Sadly, we’ll never know.

Quote of the Day

My friend and fellow blogger Pooja over at Life’s Fine Whine posted this quote yesterday. I felt this is one that strikes home, and is important to embrace if you’re living focused on growth.

Speaking for myself, it’s easy to expect that enacting positive life changes will all feel like smooth joy. No, often, it starts out HARD! Whether a diet, new exercise regime, training for a new role for work…with any of these changes, we start out needing to work hard in order to overcome our life’s inertia.

So, I recommend checking our Pooja’s blog, Life’s Fine Wine.

Microsoft Security Issue

woman in black hoodie holding a bank card

Over the past few days, I’ve been receiving multiple emails from Microsoft’s Account Team with single-use codes. At first, I assumed that my son or wife was trying to access the account. And the folks at Microsoft added the text “If you didn’t request this code, you can safely ignore this email. Someone else might have typed your email address by mistake.” But I started to get concerned as the number of these messages increased and no one said “hey dad, I can’t get in the Office”. Finally, I decided it was time to figure out what was going on.

So, I first logged into my Microsoft account ( and went to the security panel. From there I opened “View My Activity”.

What I saw alarmed me. There multiple attempts to log in from places like Vietnam and Guyana.

Now, I was pretty confident in my account’s security. I update my password regularly and use a strong password. And when I looked at the “session activity” it states that “incorrect password entered”. Which seems pretty solid. I’m pretty sure that an old password has been leaked from a data breach and is in some list available on the dark web.

But I think it’s not adequate. Exploring further, I realize that I had not yet enabled two-factor authentication, nor connected it to my authentication app. So, I fixed that promptly. I firmly believe everyone really should do these steps for all their account. Do you know where to do that? I thought I’d help out by adding the steps.

One enables that from the Advanced security panel.

I encourage all of you to make sure your security settings are using the most up-to-date protocols:

  • Multifactor authenication
  • Authentication Apps
  • Pass Keys

Also, I opted to sign out of EVERY app. Yeah, it’s a bit of a pain, but I don’t want to have my information compromised. I like that I can do that from the control panel.

Anyway, we really can’t be too safe on today’s internet, can’t we?

Have you seen a spike in Microsoft Single Use Code emails that are not from you? Let me know in the comments.

Some Photoshop Work

This week I needed to create a basic image based on a quote for a presentation. The team selected this one:

We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.

Brené Brown 

I like and admire Brene Brown, so I this made me happy. Now, I have tons of options (ie: Canva and Adobe Express). I opted, in the end, for Photoshop. I haven’t used it in a few weeks, so this was a good way to keep my skills…it not “sharp”, at least “unrusty”. It took only a few minutes to whip this one up:

Then I thought “you know, it would be cool to post this to Instagram”. Always a good thing to make sure people know what I can do, right? Anyway, an Instagram post is square. As you might have noticed, this above is not. A benefit of doing this kind of work in Canva is their “Resize” tool (it is a Premium feature). Though not perfect, it does a create job of guesstimating. Tweaking the image then is pretty easy. Photoshop doesn’t have a slick little tool like that. Changing the canvas size is pretty straightforward, though. Then one needs to do a bit more tweaking than what would be needed with Canva’s tool. Re-sizing the image and text, mostly. And making sure you remember all the elements that are hidden by the new canvas size.

This was clear cut, so it was pretty easy to readjust the elements and create an Instagram styled image.

Yeah, I enjoy these sorts of projects, so it was fun.

Today’s Haiku Challenge: Waves

sunset through the waves
sunlight sparkles upon the surf
fading into night

On Twitter, er, X, the user @Bleu_Owl posts a daily prompt “Haiku Challenge”. Today’s prompt is “wave”. The above is my contribution. I hope you enjoy it!