
Dad joke of the day

If you know me well, you know I have an affinity for dad jokes. Puns, groaners, all the quintessential “dad jokes”. I find them funny and kind, not delighting in crudeness or cruelty.

So, with that in mind, I’ll start posting daily (near daily?) dad jokes for your delight and edification. So, here’s number one.

What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop!

So, I hope your Monday went well and that you have a marvelously productive week.

Do search algorithms have a sense of humor?

close up photo of cat with its eyes closed

Yesterday I set up a YouTube livestream and, as part of that, needed to whip out a thumbnail. Canva is my go-to tool of choice for such work. As this is for a preschool choir, I searched templates for “youtube children choir”, and THIS shows up in the results:

I found this…fascinating…and absolutely hysterical. Maybe the global AI is just trying to brighten my day.

Some thoughts on the job search

female candidate doing hand shakes

I’ve spent most of the past year working part-time and doing some freelancing. It’s been fun! But I’m also seeking a permanent FTE role. This has been fascinating.

I have my resume out on LinkedIn, as well as a few other job boards. I was pretty selective, as I’m not even close to desperate. I’m looking for perfect, with a small delta. Results? I’ve had a few interviews with great teams and great companies. Few. Mostly, though, I’ve received spam, scams, and just misdirected communications. I’ve lost track of how many opportunities to sell insurance or pre-paid legal services. A few crypto scams. And then there are all the opportunities in New Jersey, California, Florida, and, today, Dallas. And these aren’t hybrid roles. They’re onsite (required). I’m in Seattle. Perhaps the recruiters need better search functionality. I don’t know.

It is somewhat frustrating, but, you know, first world problems.

Oppenheimer: The Movie

So, Dr. Oppenheimer has long been a scientific hero of mine. Besides his expertise in nuclear science, he had an amazing breadth and depth of knowledge that was truly breathtaking. Hence, how he could rattle off a quote from the Bhagavad Gita at the Trinity Detonation (“I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”), which certainly isn’t standard reading for most of us in the West.

Thus, this film deeply interests me. This trailer, as trailers are wont to do, peaked my interest. I look forward to seeing reviews and all that. Though, perhaps, I seek it out regardless of the critics opinions.

What about you? Are you interested in this film?

On The Passing Of Gordon Lightfoot

Well, today was greeted with tough news: Gordon Lightfoot has passed away.

Lightfoot has been part of my pop-culture awareness as long as said awareness existed. For me, it was his gift of story-telling that held the most power. Songs such as The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald were part of my heart for, it seems, forever. I was pretty young when he was at his heyday, and his music seemed omnipresent.

I’m filled with sadness as another icon of my youth has died. Yet, I’m grateful that his music was such a rich part of my life.

It will not be hard to find his music over the next few days, especially his hits. So I feel compelled to feature a song that is lesser know, but one that I find delightful: Alberta Bound.

Alberta Bound by Gordon Lightfoot

Alberta Bound seemed, to me, to be the theme song for the Alberta Winter Olympics of 1988. And something about that spoke deeply to me. So, I’m delighted to share something lesser known.

May we all find joy in his music and legacy. Godspeed, Gordon Lightfoot.