New Music By A Friend Scalar Theorem

I’ve known Scalar Theorem for several years and do find his bass rich perfect for focus. Techno styled music (electronic, dub step, and the like) speaks to me. Plus, as he’s a friend, I delight to watch him succeed. He’s a regular at Burning Man!

Anyway, please go check out his new album, give it a like, and think about other ways to support his music. (If you’d rather listen on Bandcamp, here’s the link to him there).

The Matrix 4? Some Thoughts From A Geek

Ok, so in geek circles, this is one of the biggest bits of news in ages. Perhaps only dwarfed by Spiderman getting removed from the MCU. Perhaps I’ll touch on that later.

Anyway, there are several things I want to unpack. However, if you’re not up-to-date on this turn, give Looper’s look at this 4 minutes of your time.

So, that being said, and with a dearth of plot details, here’s what I have to say.

First, as Neo and Trinity both die in Matrix: Revolutions and there is a solid messianic theme to the series, I wonder if they we’ll take on the Christian concept of resurrection. I’m not too sure how else to handle this. I have seen (and it’s mentioned in Looper’s video) that there’s some talk of a younger actor playing Morpheus. I don’t see how they’d play that out with the contemporarily aged Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. I guess we could play out some time-travel thing, but that could be too much of a stretch.

Personally, I’d like to see some deeper exploration of the Merovingian and Persephone, the Key Maker, and the residents of Zion. But especially the Merovingian and Persephone. There’s so much laden within there. Persephone, kidnapped daughter of Demeter, harbinger of spring. Merovingian, the name of a ruling family of 5th to 7th century Franks. And, for characters like this, the name meaning tells us a great deal.

So, what do you hope/wish this movie will cover? Or do you wish the whole thing would be done? Let me know!

Google’s Tea Uglow Featured On This Week’s Design Matters

I’m sad to say that I’ve never heard of Tea Uglow until this evening when I was able to listen to the most recent Design Matters podcast (if you haven’t subscribed, you need to change that). Tea is the Creative Director of Google’s Creative Lab in Sydney, which sounds like an invigorating role.

Tea comes to tech with a delightfully unique mindset. Not from the computer science world, but art and design. A mindset that’s critically important right now, at this point in tech history. I deeply believe that design thinking is the future of tech. And, really, the now of tech. She’s done some other videoed talks, which I’ll explore later. It’s awfully late today.

This talk covers a lot of ground, from sexuality and gender identity to diversity and inclusion in tech. Such broad wandering inspires and engages me.

Give it a listen. It’s well worth your time.


Two Geek Culture Videos I Recommend

First, a short film “FTL”. I’ve seen this before, and found it delightful. It showed back up in my YouTube recommendation feed.

Second is the trailer for the new series “Picard”. I’m quite excited to see this concept expanded. I find Picard’s character compelling and interesting. Plus, TNG explored some very rich ideas, challenging ideas about the future, social order, and about how we interact with technology.

A Day In Front Of My Computer

Zany days. A 2 hour meeting in the morning disrupted everything. Not too uncommon, but it can be discomforting. Today, though, it was good. My team gave me a ton of space, so I was able to tunnel in and make AutoCAD sing. Well, to the best of my ability, at least. I’ve grown massively with my CAD skills, but I see a huge amount of growth out there.

Hours passed quite quickly, I was focused and in my zone. I love that feeling and really relish those moments I get to dive in like that. No distraction…focus! That is my happiest place!

With that, music really helps me deeply dive into focus. I pulled together a decent playlist on Google music based on Ghost in the Shell and Attack On Titan soundtrack elements, Then, this evening, I stumbled upon Maddy Meyers. This album below is exactly what I would’ve loved to queued up. So, it’ll just need to be tomorrow’s. For I expect focus will be important then, too.

A Star Wars Mediation: Considering Grey Jedi

A couple of days ago I watched this Star Wars centric video: Why Everyone Is Wrong About Qui-Gon Jin. Thor Skywalker’s ideas about Qui-Gon and the notion of Grey Jedis really got my geek brain going.

The notions of the Grey Jedi certainly generates powerful debate within the Star Wars community. As for me, I would expect factionalism within the Force yielding community. So the existence of the Gray makes sense to me, along with other Force Yielders besides the Jedi and Sith.

Would the Gray simply be one’s “rejected” by the counsel, or folks having rejected the counsel’s edicts? I expect that the Gray Jedi maintain some sort of affiliation with the mainstream Jedi order. One rejecting the other, who rejects who?

Anyway, with this, I find it interesting that there are the gray Jedi along with other Force sensitives. Unique in this grouping. Perhaps not a complete rejection, then, by either party.

So, are the grey really just disconnected from the Jedi counsel and conventional wisdom? In terms of this video below, that seems to be the main element. I recognize that a greater comfort with the dark side is supposed to be a part of the gray theology (is theology the right word?). I think that the counsel was quite uncomfortable with any notion of acceptance of the dark side. Is this really about exclusion? And who decides orthodoxy? The counsel?

Anyway, this thought got quite convoluted. When I started writing this, I thought my idea about this was clear. And, in very short order, that, well, fell apart.

Let me know what you think via a comment or Twitter. I really would like to hear.