Darkness’ delight
Another night’s gracefulness
Dreams drip from streetlights
The streetlight flickers, the night offers grace, offers sanctuary. !
Pursuing Progress
Most every day, a song echos in my mind as I wake. The universe often speaks to me in song.
This morning I woke to U2’s “40” and the line “how long, to sing this song?”
My heart troubled by the world’s rage soaked violence, by another bloody day. Will humanity expand out of it’s ego before the world’s burned into obliteration by hubris? Will I get to see that day? How long, my friends. How long?
sunlight from the east
I seek to start every day
crafting a poem
Good morning everyone! Wishing peace this first Friday of April.
ah, cherry blossoms!
hints that spring is almost here
bold chattering birds
Great advice for the new poet…and for the old. Of course today we always have our phone with us, capturing our thoughts, poem scraps along with photos. There’s research supporting pen-and-paper’s superiority, for what that’s worth. Ultimately, the best solution is the one you use. As long as you’re confident in capturing your ideas, your brain can focus on creation.