Reflecting on The Half-Life of Magic

person doing card trick

I make it a point to read Seth Godin blog posts every day (well, I try my best). Today, he wrote “The half-life of magic“.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

Arthur C. Clarke

In this post, Mr. Godin points out how quickly magic wears off. And, by magic, I ascribe the appreciation and wonder. The rate of change has increased so dramatically that one of our challenges is to find wonder in life.

It is hard when we externalize this. When we’re waiting to find wonder, delight, joy, it becomes so much harder to find. Let me propose another alternative: to actively seek it. Take a moment and consider how amazing our lives our. With my cellphone I can look up almost anything humanity has ever learned. Almost all knowledge is, literally, at our fingertips. but these technological marvels are only a small piece. Look out the window, watch the rain, see the hummingbirds drift amongst the blossoms, or the juncos dark amongst the tree branches. Or the eagle drifting overhead, over this suburban human habitat.

Life is full of wonder if you choose to look for it. And that’s the pathway to a joy-filled life: searching for wonder.

Quote of the Day

My friend and fellow blogger Pooja over at Life’s Fine Whine posted this quote yesterday. I felt this is one that strikes home, and is important to embrace if you’re living focused on growth.

Speaking for myself, it’s easy to expect that enacting positive life changes will all feel like smooth joy. No, often, it starts out HARD! Whether a diet, new exercise regime, training for a new role for work…with any of these changes, we start out needing to work hard in order to overcome our life’s inertia.

So, I recommend checking our Pooja’s blog, Life’s Fine Wine.

Quote of the Day

For today’s quote, I opted for this one by Thomas Merton. His writings have had a profound impact on my life. It seems quite fitting to share something from him.

To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands,
to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to the violence of our times.

Finished, and Next Steps

information sign on shelf

I just finished my final in Enterprise Architecture. By successfully completing this class, I’ve completed the requirements for some additional certificates:

I also have applied for the following certificates:

I’m done being a student for the near term, but I think I’ve accomplished a lot during these past 2.5 years. I’m proud of all I’ve done and look forward to finding ways to implement all I’ve learned.

Another goal is to land a full-time role with a company that will pay for me to continue my studies. There’s so much more to learn! I plan to start a new role sometime around the end of this year, and then be able to start classes with that company in 2023.

The Opportunity of Morning Sunlight

​morning sunlight

breeze changes direction


I see so much opportunity, and how privilege feeds that. How I can pick and choose amongst these choices, while so many others struggle to get by. 

How can I leverage privilege and expand opportunity for all? 

Is this how I make the world better?