Wisdom Learned The Hard Way: A Haiku

Early in the morning remembering the actions I regret. Unwilling to learn from my elders caused so much heartache. Eventually I learned this bit of wisdom: 

  1. a wise person learns from their mistakes
  2. a wiser person means from the mistakes of others
  3. the wisest person learns from the successes of others

Also I figured out that I learn more by listening than talking. 

The Past, The Future, Focus


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>stories of the past


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>


p style=”font-size:16px;”>


p style=”font-size:16px;”>yet I look to the future


p style=”font-size:16px;”>I am far from done

Met a really cool guy today. A former Navy nuclear power program sailor, just like me. Though he is quite a bit younger. 

Swapped stories of our respective experiences, which I enjoyed. Yet I often worry in those moments that I’ll become like the subject of Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days”, a relic, trapped in the past. Grave fate, for me, at least. 

Thursday Thoughts

Find hope at endings

As they’re a new beginning

Always move forwards

As I move through another period of transition, I focus on the possible. I gain energy from that, driving me forwards. Yes, there are frustrations, challenges, and road blocks, but remember the goal. Always focus on moving forwards.

Grace and peace to you my friends!