Coffee Shop Vibes

Light against the dark
A light within the darkness

within coffee shops
respites from the coldest rain
such sanctuary

I took this photo at Everett’s Narrative Coffee. The ambiance delights me. With its brick walls, I return to many cold, wet days from when I lived downtown Seattle. Books, pastries, coffee; the elements of classic elegance.

Just a little editing in Photoshop to capture the mood. A little blur for a vignette, a bit of color balancing, et viola!

Fallen Blossoms

Fallen Blossoms
Fallen Blossoms

through today’s rain
spring and summer soon will fuse
through falling blossoms

I shot this one near my house. The shape and structure of this tree are just lovely, and the ground covered with fallen blossoms seemed a perfect metaphor while spring is supplanted by summer.