Keep Breathing

​Keep breathing deeply

Listen to the birds singing

Sunlight upon trees

Life’s tensions overwhelm at times. Remember to stop, focus on breathing deeply,controlled. Today, while doing this, the bird’s singing became vibrant. It’s what’s really important in life. 

Today’s Haiku: Verbal

Woolly Muses, a blog I’ve followed for awhile, posted their contribution to today’s FOWC (Fandango’s One-Word Challenge), with the key-word “verbal“. I enjoy these challenges, and I believe they solidly grow my creativity.

So, here’s my contribution:

words dance off my pen
verbal graces in sunlight
moving through silence

Seek Tranquility

seek tranquility
be content with quiet things
the beauty of dawn

I wrote this as a response to a haiku challenge on Twitter. The key word was “content”. Now, I thought about “content” as in “content creation”, but the more I thought about it, I felt the focus should be more aligned with “contentment”. The whole zen thing I focus on.

This haiku makes me think of one of my mantras/mission statements, “live simply so that others may simply life”. Being content, eliminating greed and gross consumption, to seek balance…these are all elements of my life which I wish to grow.