this crown of petals
summer’s beauty now reigning
wind chimes graceful dance
Computer Whisperer
I adore the simplicity, as well as the challenge of Haiku. The constraints focus my mind, seeking out the essence of the moment, feeling, notion, distilling it to brilliant singularity.
this crown of petals
summer’s beauty now reigning
wind chimes graceful dance
life’s gentle pleasures
feeling sunlight on my skin
wind chimes singing
Moonlit clouds
The moon peeks through the clouds this cool Seattle evening. Misty rains paused long enough for me to complete a walk. Thus my mood’s betterment achieved.
Wishing you all thoughts of peace during these troubled times.
daylight dances
petal to petal
hummingbirds sing
violet vibrance
boldness of life shining forth
forgotten too soon
gravity’s demand
even the sun can’t resist
calmness comes with night
My contribution to today’s Word of the Day Challenge: River.
this tranquil motion
combined destructive power
river’s dual nature
A river, though sometimes calm and tranquil, and sometimes raging through storms, always erodes it’s surroundings. No matter the gentleness of the moment, there’s inexorable change, micron by micron, creating canyons and corroding mountains. Water’s gentleness is deceptive.
call of summer light
feeding of vigorous life
ready for fresh rains
jaunty tunes
wheels bearing
iced confections
Summertime is upon us. It’s definitely arrived in Seattle, though looks like it might pause this weekend. I hope you’re feeling the pleasent joys summer brings.