I sit in stillness
The quietness calms my soul
I find hope therein
Pursuing Progress
Looking at how we’re evolving culturally, and how humanity engages with itself, for good and for ill.
Always seek out hope
Then our end will be better
Beyond what we guess
Moving through my life’s various trials in constantly struck by how often the results don’t match my predictions. At times, my conceptualization wasn’t even close. The best results achieve when I abandoned expectations and acted. Simply moved forward. Even if the end isn’t clear, the next step often is.
Fears easily win
When I lose faith that there is
A pathway forward
It seems that the quickest path to despair is giving up on finding a way forwards. That there are solutions to problems. Perhaps even that there’s any sort of solution. Sometimes, it’s easy to get so enmeshed into the details any problem that even obvious solutions become elusive.
It’s critical that we challenge that mindset. That we refuse to believe in that self-talk. We’d just believe in growth, in learning, in the path forward through the darkness.
I find reminding myself that other folks have gotten through similar challenges helps greatly. Knowing I’m not alone gives me peace, which feeds my strength.
Now that it is night
With clouds vanquished far away
Summertime feels here
Something to beware
Rage’s deceptive power
Corroding our souls
The next in my exploration of rage.
I move with the wind
Upon these steel wheels
Over asphalt night
I was able to ride this evening. Something I delight to do, though time has been challenging of late. The feeling of drifting over the road has long brought me tranquility and peace. A critical peace of my sanity while, as a young teen, I watched my mother consumed with cancer. Motion soothed my tortured soul.