These adobe walls
With vibrant reds and deep browns
Feeling the desert
Chaos Tamer
Looking at how we’re evolving culturally, and how humanity engages with itself, for good and for ill.
These adobe walls
With vibrant reds and deep browns
Feeling the desert
In this morning dark
My mind’s focus telling me
My heart’s deep values
There are times that I think my priorities are “X”. I’ve learned, though, my mind’s focus when I wake tells me the deepest concerns of my heart.
What’s interesting is how often it’s not anything I give focus to during my day. Or i would expect to be secondary.
Sometimes it’s not logical, other times it’s extremely rational.
Sometimes fear, now, though, it’s not. That’s a blessing.
I want to sleep
I want to write
I want these two
To align in
Another day ends
Dark blue sky fading to black
Rest’s demands winning
It’s been a king, busy day. Sleep’s call is winning with me. Time to wrap up the day and go up sleep.
With the sun’s motion
And the light starting to fade
Night’s calmness coming
Please remember why
So many giving their lives
Bird song on marble
As a young man, I was quite proud of my decision to join the Navy. No plans for great and noble sacrifice. My future was what mattered; potential, possibility. There were thoughts of glory, but not of sacrifice.
I’m sobered as I remember my youth. The naivete. The impulsiveness. The reckless spirit. The commitment to my friends. A child in so many ways, carrying amazing responsibility. I held the keys to horror. Mistakes could mean anguish and death for my friends, my crew, those I loved, and for countless innocents.
I’ve seen the face of parents who’ve lost their children. Of wives who lost their husbands. The promise of youth shattered to pieces. That leaves a horrible swath of destruction within hearts.
I consider all of this as I look upon this day and it’s symbolism. There’s so much we have yet to learn.
Yes, I am awake
And the birds sing with vigor
Dawn has not yet come
I’m amazed at the number of birds singing right now. Well, I think one of the loudest sounds is an insect, but I digress. It’s quite boisterous. Oddly, as daylight comes their sounds will quiet. Perhaps just supplanted by human noise. Perhaps.