An Early Morning Haiku

Yes, I am awake

And the birds sing with vigor

Dawn has not yet come

I’m amazed at the number of birds singing right now. Well, I think one of the loudest sounds is an insect, but I digress.  It’s quite boisterous. Oddly, as daylight comes their sounds will quiet. Perhaps just supplanted by human noise. Perhaps. 

May 24, 2918

May 24, 2918


p style=”font-family:"”>What will that day like?


p style=”font-family:"”>Beyond my imagining


p style=”font-family:"”>So far forward 


p style=”font-family:"”>Where my name 


p style=”font-family:"”>Will have faded 


p style=”font-family:"”>Into the realm of dreams 


p style=”font-family:"”>This notion brought about 


p style=”font-family:"”>By my misplaced fingers 

Despair Lies 


p style=”font-family:"”>Despair’s a liar


p style=”font-family:"”>There’s always a way forwards 


p style=”font-family:"”>Hints of dawn’s colors 


p style=”font-family:"”>I know how easy it is get lost in fear, my mind racing with destructive dreams. It’s corrosive to my joy. 


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