Footsteps in gravel
A presence hidden by night
With sublime motion
Category: Modern Life
Looking at how we’re evolving culturally, and how humanity engages with itself, for good and for ill.
Morning Coffee, A #Haiku
​Coffee’s gracefulness
Awakening our brain cells
Enabling life
The elixir of life: coffee! Memories of Seattle cafes in the 90s, a broke young man seeking moments of grace. Warmth in the winter rain, another grace. Warm memories of friends and conversation, of connecting with history’s great minds. Coffee consumed, generations apart, cold winter’s rain ensuring the seat, by the window, wondrous.
Morning Haiku, August 3, 2020
reading upon the couch
re-dreaming dreams
Finding it hard to remain awake this morning, awake, asleep, startling awake..the cycle spins, daylight climbs eastern mountains, dawn fades to memory.
A Haiku By The Shore
walking near the shore
the scent of salt air delights
flowers worship sun
Glorious Daisies : A Late Night Haiku
this daisy riot
petals reaching for the sky
buzzing content bees

I wrote this haiku a few months ago, but some glitch kept it from posting. Glad I found it, and now to share it with you.
Grace: A Haiku
Here is my contribution to today’s Word of the Day challenge: Grace.
I think a lot about grace. Its importance both to us, and to society. How grace enables humans to function together, and is the magic elixir that ends conflict. And that grace is undervalued, perhaps even reviled. We live in brutal times, my friends.
A Good Morning Haiku

night is complete
dawn’s grace arrives
resisting waking
Today’s Haiku : July 12, 2020
each moment grace
talking with friends of fears
as the rain falls