Daily Haiku: Awoke By My Fears

Awoke by my fears
Not an unusual thing
Though I’ve grown weary 

I’ve long hated my mind’s tendency to torment me late at night. Bringing up ancient mistakes, dragging forth unlikely scenarios, so many ways my mind finds to attack my tranquility. 

Beth Caldwell’s impact on metastatic breast cancer


Not a work of poetry, but poetic in it’s raw power. It also features evocative language. 

“The only thing that brings me any sense of meaning these days is to think of these fallen trees as nurse logs. Their memories, their lives, their children, their passions, their faces, their senses of humor, their wisdom, their spirits, their beautiful beautiful beautiful spirits are nurturing us, feeding us, giving us strength to go on, to demand change, to bring research to our friends, to fight against death death death so much death. Their falling leaves a hole in the forest canopy, but their souls are bringing new life to our movement and nutrients to keep us growing.

“And someday this forest will cover the world.”

As someone who lost my mother to breast-cancer far too young (pretty much the same age as Beth), this piece hits me hard. Tears, memories, so very much brought up. And, you may find it strange to share this Christmastime, but I always remember that first Christmas after my mom died. Really, though, I see this as a powerful way to honor her. 

Blessing to each of you this Christmas. Love well, love strong, love

This Painful Evening

Over fifty-years 


p style=”font-family:"”>Living on this


p style=”font-family:"”>Spinning rock


p style=”font-family:"”>Yet moments come


p style=”font-family:"”>When, still,


p style=”font-family:"”>That powerless


p style=”font-family:"”>Little boy


p style=”font-family:"”>Rises 


p style=”font-family:"”>Alone

A Meditation On Rumi

I adore Rumi. The wisdom within his poetry has long guided me. 

Within this small line: the importance of faith. Not necessarily directed toward any particular diety. Simply regarding our community. 

Our futures are unknowable until they become our past. Even then meaning slowly gets gleaned. 

I live with a dangerous mindset: desiring to understand all the ramifications of a choice before I act. This impossibility risks paralyzing me. Often, it has. Losing opportunity out of fear? That’s sad. 

I need to embrace that the way will appear when it needs to, and not a moment before. And that this way is good, it is for the best. 

Believe the unknown and uncontrollable are not reasons to hide, to wait, relegating opportunity to vapor.