A Haiku On A Cloud Filled Night

The moon peeks through evening clouds

Moonlit clouds

The moon peeks through the clouds this cool Seattle evening. Misty rains paused long enough for me to complete a walk. Thus my mood’s betterment achieved.

Wishing you all thoughts of peace during these troubled times.

Early Morning, June27, 2020

an ocean of sound

boldly starting the day

the sky remains dark

Pre-dawn tones, birds and insects chatter, apart yet together. Robins, crickets, then crows: acoustic motion across my consciousness.

Saturday morning, just a few more days left of June. Many types of chronological motion, too, greying my hair. Speaking to me of near ancient memories. Ancient, at least, in terms of humanity, of human life-spans. 

Morning Meditation: A Life You’re Proud Of

Do the best you can

Live a life you are proud of

And have no regrets

I woke with this idea, a strong voice in my head. This is how to live a life with no regrets. Always do the best work you can. Always seek actions that you are proud of. Then you’ll have nothing to be ashamed of.