Beautiful words
Embrace my mind
Yet life demands
My attention
Pursuing Progress
Looking at how we’re evolving culturally, and how humanity engages with itself, for good and for ill.
Beautiful words
Embrace my mind
Yet life demands
My attention
I reject the paradigm of rage
p style=”font-family:"”>Replacing that with kindness
p style=”font-family:"”>Seeking all the world’s beauty
p style=”font-family:"”>Then magnify it all
These cherry blossoms
Thousands of people descend
Seattle’s springtime
Walking near the shore
Sunlight gracefully setting
My mind is swirling
It’s been a rough couple of days. A few moments of peace were very welcome. Walking and writing poetry connect me to the greater grace of the universe. And I’m grateful.
I’m grateful for you, too, dear readers. The likes and comments make me feel like I add value to your lives with my shaped words. So, thank you for reading, liking and commenting! It lightens the heavier loads in my life.
I think of beauty
There are so many choices
Tell me you love