A Quote For The Day

silhouette photography of group of people jumping during golden time

I came accross today’s quote at Michele Lee’s blog “My Inspired Life”.

Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

First, I loved Tuesdays with Morrie. And I just love the vibe of this quote. It reminds me of what’s important in life, even is these troubling times.

I hope this finds you well. May you find your community, one that you may delight in devoting yourself to.

The Value of Mastery

close up shot of two people wearing karategi and black belt

James Clear, the author of “Atomic Habits” has a newsletter “3-2-1 Thursday”. Each issue contains:

  • 3 short ideas from James
  • 2 quotes from other people
  • 1 question

Today’s newsletter, titled “On growing fast vs growing slow, the value of mastery, and climbing the right mountain“, resonated with me. The goal of my personal development plan is mastery, and I’m working on mastering what, exactly. Project management? IT? Web development? One of these. But this post drove home a weakness holding me back: my impatience. I want to become a master fast. And, well, that’s the opposite path of mastery. James included this quote, which I appreciated. It drives home the point succinctly.

“Mastery is the best goal because the rich can’t buy it, the impatient can’t rush it, the privileged can’t inherit it, and nobody can steal it. You can only earn it through hard work. Mastery is the ultimate status.”

~ Derk Sivers

Choosing what NOT to study is one of my core challenges right now. I’m interested in SO very much. Choosing to NOT pursue something is rather painful. But I know it’s the right decision. But, man, it’s so hard!

Have you developed mastery in something? How did you go about de-selecting what to study? Was it as hard for you as it is for me?

Some Valuable Advice

I love this post I found this morning on Instagram:

I’ve often found myself torn between my mind’s competing interests. Recently I figured out that at those moments, THIS is what I need to do: “pursue myself”. Become better, healthier, happier…all those things make for a better life. Much more so than simply getting some promotion or a new job.

Anyway, I wish a happy Friday to you all! May you move closer to your dreams.

Some thoughts on the article: “How a brush with death shaped my long game”

autumn fallen leaves on gravestone

Like Eric Markowitz, for years I’ve been focused on “the long view” (as I’ve called it), or as he calls it “long-termism” (I do like his term). Basically, it means trying to make decisions that have a long-term, sustainable impact and escaping the tyranny of short-term (or, dare I call it, micro-term thinking). That mindset where the only thing one considers is maximizing profit (or enter your preferred KPI here) NOW, or perhaps out to the next earnings report. This thinking is so destructive when you look at the long game.

Mr. Markowitz wrote a piece last month titled “How a brush with death shaped my long game“. TLDR: he gets seriously sick, looking at a very high likelihood of death in the next few months. As you might expect, this causes one to rethink…a lot. (Fortunately, it has a happy ending…read it for the full details…it’s worth it).

He has lots of great ideas, but I particularly appreciate this one: “Playing the long game isn’t just about structure and process and systems that are designed to withstand the long-term: it’s about the joy and gratitude of getting to play the game in the first place.” I get fixated on the structure and processes and systems, and lose site of the joy.

Like him, I’ve had this long-term view in my mind, but have been really poor at living it. It’s far too easy for me to get wrapped up in short-term stresses, and lose track of the long-term goal. I appreciate the wake-up call (and am glad mine is this article and not the frightening series of events that Mr. Markowitz experienced).

I need to pull back and look bigger picture, focus on my long-term goals, and keep my short-term worries in perspective. Easier said than done, I know. Yet, I also know, it’s an effort that’s worth it. Like Thoreau, I want to ensure that “when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” That’s what’s most important to me.