wind blows through these trees
memories awakening
tranquility’s song
I’ve always loved the sound of the wind in the trees. In western Washington, it’s a common sound, speaking to me of home.
Pursuing Progress
wind blows through these trees
memories awakening
tranquility’s song
I’ve always loved the sound of the wind in the trees. In western Washington, it’s a common sound, speaking to me of home.
suburban wanders
as fresh cut grass’ scent dances
memories awake
Today’s Word of the Day Challenge features “fresh”. As it’s spring here in the suburbs of Seattle, and I’m listening to a mower’s drone, this flowed from my keyboard.
petals scattering
memories of fading spring
summer whispers “soon”
Watching the trees shed their blossoms’ petals is both beautiful and sad. Summer comes on the death of spring.
mists flowing through trees
moisture upon the petals
dreaming of the sun
kissed by the sunlight
dancing upon the spring breeze
the arc of petals
snoozing through winter
slowly awakening
morning’s gentle rain
Today’s “Word of the Day Challenge” is Snooze. These words came while watching rhododendron blooms slowly come to life this week.