through the rainfall
as it changes to snow
the birds now confused
Found this blossom during my walk the other day. More signs that spring is almost here. Yet today we had rain, wind, snow and hail. It was quite a day, weather – wise.
Pursuing Progress
through the rainfall
as it changes to snow
the birds now confused
Found this blossom during my walk the other day. More signs that spring is almost here. Yet today we had rain, wind, snow and hail. It was quite a day, weather – wise.
resisting waking
sunlight reaches my window
life keeps on moving
Another morning, life keeps moving. Onwards…
set under the clouds
my city moves through the rain
while fueled by coffee
A rainy day here, just north of Seattle. One that brings me memories of northwestern Oregon. The winter rains in Astoria where my feet were my main mode of transportation. I guess that came from the heavy weight of the rain drops along with their coldness.
Created with Adobe Spark.
as crocuses bloom
February nearly done
the air still quite cool
Flowers are pushing their way above the soil. Yet most of the trees remain barren. But one I saw today has a riot of small blossoms. Change continues, as it does.
one upon the wire
the crow’s colleague in the trash
staunchest of allies
Here’s my contribution to the Fandango Word of the Day Challenge: Staunch.
spring flowers awake
striving for the blessed sun
such problems they solve
awoke to birdsong
slowly the sun rises
hinting at springtime
The birds were quite boisterous this morning. Looks like spring is nearly here. Though this hasn’t been that burial of a winter around here, I am ready for spring. Are you?