Remnants of the Snow

Remnants of the Snow

remnants of the snow
melting into graceless slush
an slowing my walk

The air warms, now above freezing, so the snow melts, but slowly. Puddles, painfully cold, especially as my boots are now worn and leaky. Soggy socks rob joy. Tomorrow, the air warms significantly, and with it rain. I expect that by noon the only hints of the snowfall will be photographs and, perhaps, clothes drying in mud-rooms.

This photo is one I took near my home on a walk this afternoon, the font Source Sans Pro, created with Adobe Spark.

A Saturday Snowfall

Snowfall in Lynnwood

snow falling
memories: moments of cheer
delights of childhood

Snow isn’t quite a joyous a thing as an adult as I found it as a child. Yet the echoes remain.

This is my contribution to today’s Word of the Day challenge, with today’s word “cheery”. I took a little liberty with “cheery”. I hope it cheers you, at least.