on this evening walk
with my mind feeding my soul
in this cool night air
Pursuing Progress
on this evening walk
with my mind feeding my soul
in this cool night air
in this morning air
destructive rage blowing west
the sepia sky
The featured image is out my front door, trying to capture the smoky haze that’s descended upon Seattle. My lungs hurt a bit, my eyes sting, and I feel for my asthmatic friends and the misery they’re going through.
tenacious flowers
dancing with the honey bees
as they move skyward
walking amongst trees
sunlight climbing to the west
motion of my feet
These ghosts of summer
Gently fading into time
This cool morning air
how far have we moved?
the sun across the sky
and the moon so close
Created this image in Adobe Spark with a built in template and image. Loved the photo, and thought this haiku worked nicely with it.
tonight’s full moon
keeping me company
this restless night
Edit: corrected spelling
the passage of time
sun and rain changing so much
yet beauty remains
I found this door on a recent trip to Port Townsend, WA. The marvelous character of this worn door spoke to me. All things age. Where do we find our grace?
​the wind’s graceful arc
flowers moving through the sun
memories of bees