Haiku, August 2, 2020

another day past

feeling the grace of sunlight

soon, petals will fall

  • I love the flowers i see on my walks. This one out from yesterday. Today I didn’t get out. My right foot ended up with some brutal blisters. Make sure your shoes fit right, and aren’t too worn. They’ll thank you for it. 

The Opportunity of Morning Sunlight

​morning sunlight

breeze changes direction


I see so much opportunity, and how privilege feeds that. How I can pick and choose amongst these choices, while so many others struggle to get by. 

How can I leverage privilege and expand opportunity for all? 

Is this how I make the world better?

Flowers On My Walk

walking in sunlight
renewed life fueled by its grace
moving through my space

Living in the suburbs north of Seattle, I see many flowers. You probably have no trouble discerning that from my posts. As a young man, I fled these burbs. Life’s sense of humor, though, kicked in hard. I know life just about a hundred feet from the house I grew up in.

The passing time brings perspective. Now I feel a deep love for this place. My connections deep: friendships, history, I can look at a spot and talk about decades of change, and stability. These suburbs resist change well, but not perfectly.

These flowers which bored me as a boy and young man, well, they now bring me happiness. Years of growth, of death, of change, yet the bees still buzz, flowers still bloom, and summer becomes autumn.

Haiku, July 30, 2020

walking in sunlight life’s

beauty singing to me

the scent of the shore

Another day in the summer sun. Most of it spent in front of my computer. More visual basic into my skull. I try to focus deeply, for coding is a key part of my future.

Exercise and health are other parts. Ones I’ve neglected, sadly. I’m slowly clawing that back. Slowly.

Walked in the early afternoon sun. After a few hours of exploring code, went down to Edmonds to run a few errands then go for a short walk. Always a happy thing for me, downtown Edmonds.

I hope you find your bliss and tranquility these fine summer days.

Wednesday Night, July 29

​night descends
streetlights flicker awake
stars above the trees

Another summer night in Seattle. The end of a productive day. I’m happy with things. Glad it’s cooler than earlier this week. 90F is not agreeable with me any more. Not sure it was with the beach boy from the Philippines I was all those years ago. 

My focus right now: Visual Basic programming. It’s been years, and I’m enjoying the reboot. I’m also studying command line interaction with Windows, and second quarter graphic design. 

Graphic design has been a challenge this summer. Compressed timelines often bring lower quality work. This does help with the perfectionism. I hate having to submit “good enough”. Yet it’s good. Positive comments from my instructor and fellow students reinforce that. 

How’s your summer going?