call of summer light
feeding of vigorous life
ready for fresh rains
Pursuing Progress
call of summer light
feeding of vigorous life
ready for fresh rains
jaunty tunes
wheels bearing
iced confections
Summertime is upon us. It’s definitely arrived in Seattle, though looks like it might pause this weekend. I hope you’re feeling the pleasent joys summer brings.
Calming coolness upon me
Memories of walking, early morning, Seattle
Along the peak of Capitol Hill
Downwards through the city
Before urban life starts
Before thousands of coffee cups
Deliver their payloads
Of productivity
My contribution to today’s Word of the Day Challenge: Theme.
dawn crawls through trees
red skies setting the theme
hope within the new
petal dynamics
unfolding in the sunlight
grace in thankfulness
ascending the curve
sunlight climbing the mountains
dancing cosmic orbs
Humanity’s child
Born of electrons’ motion
Will flowers be loved?
Discussing Artificial Intelligence with a friend I wonder if AI will be our contribution to the universe. If Fermi’s Paradox will be overcome by humanity in spite of our drive towards insanity.
I wonder…
in the morning air
mists drifting upon the breeze
clouds dancing past
nearly summer
I don my sweater
raindrops on leaves