Another photo from my walks. This tree really impressed and delighted me, especially with the fading light.
Another damp day in quarantine here in Seattle. How’d you day go?
Pursuing Progress
Another photo from my walks. This tree really impressed and delighted me, especially with the fading light.
Another damp day in quarantine here in Seattle. How’d you day go?
as the water falls
air speaks to my sense of home
the night hides mountains
I wasn’t able to get out today for a walk, and photo explorations. It rained a good chunk of the day, and I was pretty busy. So, I grabbed this photo from Pexels as it captured my mood.
the air this spring night
coolest touch upon my face
footsteps though silence
approaching a pond
delighting in the frogsong
Basho’s memory
Walking in my neighborhood, there are a few ponds. Tonight I noticed the frogsong…for the first time this spring. I doubt the frogs have been silent until tonight. Probably just the first night I was out late enough.
rain speckled petals
grey motion above the trees
the colors of spring
with the clock’s motion
moonlight hidden by the trees
quiet memories
under the sunlight
the seduction of flowers
bees singing their song
sunlight through this glass
floating across the pages
a crow laughing
Tonight’s Haiku:
the grace of sunlight
treading lightly over waves
robin glancing down