The positive focus

I strive to keep the positive focus. That’s where I keep my compass pointed towards. Yet, it’s too easy to get wrapped up in petty squabbles. The amount of energy sucked up by this amazes me. And it damages relationships, creating frictions and distrust. Others see your biases and believe you’re seeing their view as lesser. Judging others tends to only damage relationships.

Somehow, we need to engage each other’s differences in ways that build and grow relationship, not further fracture our already divided society. Keeping our discussions centered upon respect and dignity is key. Also, avoiding rhetorical failures, these key logical fallacies will be crucial. Stay on point and avoid defensive responses. Remember that the goal isn’t to “win”, rather fund a way forward.

Pitfalls of distraction

With great ease, I get sucked into random distractions. This frustrates me no end. Actually, the worst past of the feeling isn’t due to the lingering tasks. I end up feeling distracted, fragmented and worn; I hate that sensation. I love the feeling of moving forward, accomplishing goals with a direction and focus.

Of course, I adore helping people, especially those I care about. The right balance, oh how I long for thee!

Thinking of Focus

Thinking recently about Steven Covey’s notion of focusing in your sphere of influence. Work where you are, that’s how I internalize this. I’ve long thought of this simply in terms of effectiveness. Actually, this is far deeper. What’s critical always lies within this sphere. One must complete the critical, our all else fails. We must hold our attention within. By managing within ourselves, the inner elements of our lives, other pieces come into play. When the core gets neglected, there is either fear of impending collapse, or the consequences of such collapse. Breaking free requires focus on the deepest, richest inner, most critical elements. Only upon mastering these, can other pieces of life become richer, deeper.

Lost to Busyness

Losing myself in busyness is much too easy. Over the years, I’ve developed expertise in productivity and maximising work. I get so very much done, do meant todos checked off, but then feel like I’ve done nothing at all. This brings about a sense of emptiness. Losing sight of my “why” is the root. When my tasks are simply the responses to stimulus, not connected to adding value, I fall into this funk. For there’s no value. Remembering why we want, what the things are that we value counters that. Hence, why that planning and thinking time is so critical. Sadly, it’s so easy to get caught up in the cult of busy and devalue planning. And we end up miserable and morose. So, more planning and thoughtfulness in my life. There!

Busy vs Effective

It’s frustrating to get lost in the tyrannical distraction of NOW. Quickly one is lost to simple, mindless reaction, weaving to and fro, accomplishing little to nothing; even though the day was full, laden with busy. The result of losing focus.

When priorities get lost by attending too much to the blizzard of demand, emptiness wins. We’re active, yet no progress made since “what matters” was left undone.

One must slow down, consider the value of each task before you act. At least get the priority work done first, the stuff that moves you forward. Even better, more powerful; learn the value of “no”. Decline to take energy away from your priorities. Doing more by doing less. Focus your energy for energy isn’t limitless.

Blog Names and Changes

Last week I was listening to John Richards of KEXP interview Brett Morgen, creator of Montage of Heck, the new movie about Kurt Cobain. There was a line which struck me: “are you prepared for luck?”

Powerful words. I want to incorporate them deeply into my life. They capture a core belief: our ability to take control of our lives. That we are empowered to affect change, to have a positive impact on the world. I deeply believe luck is the intersection of opportunity and preparation. Thus, preparation is critical. It’s what we control. It’s how we bring change into being.

My challenge: to reach past my tendency to fret and worry, focusing instead on preparing for opportunity. To see the potential in life and continuously grow towards that light. Hence, the new name.

Puzzling about busyness

It sure seems that I’m busier. Whether that’s a perception or reality, I’m unsure. But the differentiation isn’t important. The feeling is.
Many people I know feel like life is moving faster. A big piece of that, for me, are deadlines. More things are urgent. More people expect instantaneous response. It seems to take more effort to remind folks that 24 hour response times are not insulting.
I’ve noticed more articles by leaders who aren’t checking email every few minutes. They’re limiting their time on Twitter & Facebook. And they don’t necessarily respond instantly to texts or voicemail. This is how the high producers are responding to what I’m feeling. There’s something in there for me, and us all, too.
Our society needs to back away from demanding instantaneous response. It’s unrealistic and corrosive. Respect for others needs to return to being a paramount virtue. That’s healthy for both sides of these issues; for us all.

A Few Of My Favorite Gmail Tricks

One of my morning tasks: sorting email. Yeah, the same as zillions of other earthlings. My team are Gmail users, so here’s a quick trick I use to speed up my morning. Plug the following into the search bar: in:inbox has:nouserlabels.

This pulls up everything that’s not been labeled yet. I use labels to help prioritize. Plus, one everything is labeled, it’s easy to pull up the whole thread and then archive the redundant messages. I prefer getting all the responses together in one email. Trying to minimize data scatter.  Another one I use: in:inbox is:unread. Pulls up all your unread messages. Of secondary value to the first, though.

I check my spam folder >= daily, but I don’t scroll down to the spam tag. In the same box, just type “in:spam”, and it pops up fast.

Business Tip Of The Day: You’re Not Too Busy

Was just told about a real estate agent who regularly dumps files on their admin, without any explanation or discussion, because they’re “so busy”. They’ll just figure it out. Ugh! If you’re “so busy”, then you really need to take the minute or two it takes to give an explanation of the file, or task you’ve dropped onto your staff. Expecting folks to just “figure it out” is a near guarantee for re-doing/un-doing work, which is duplicative and wasteful (which should be obvious). Reminds me of one of my father’s adages: “you might think you’re too busy to do it right, but you won’t be too busy to do it again”. Slow down, folks; take the time to set your staff, and, thus, yourself, up for success.

To just be me

It’s so easy to succumb to this desire: be something, something important, impactful, powerful.  Chasing after an ideal “should be”, losing sight of who you are; cruel phantoms. So easily we get pulled into career/family/cultural expectations, that when we lose sight of ourselves, we don’t easily see the path back. That’s assuming there is a path “back”. I expect, for many of us, this is a path forward; new direction, new experience. Often, the path of self-discovery and self-acceptance is a journey of deep creativity; true exploration. A journey not started in youth, rather born out of regret and emptiness.