Even though it’s rained
Summer’s breath still dominates
And sunlight has returned
Chaos Tamer
Even though it’s rained
Summer’s breath still dominates
And sunlight has returned
Love this reddened sky
The darkness bringing cool air
Summer’s antidote
Nights power rising
Warm air freed from the cloud’s grace
Wakefulness waning
Upon summer’s cusp
Each day the air gets warmer
Joyful, carefree hearts
Walking this roadside
Deep within my mind’s silence
As the sunlight fades
Fears rise in the dark
So many unknowns stare back
Fate can be quite cruel
Antiquated steel
That’s forgotten how to move
Not phased by the rain
I glance to the sky
Momentarily pausing
Flowers on this breeze
Standing in the sun
Light dances on my shoulder
Stop to see beauty
This morning: grey
Bold contrast to yesterday
Cool breeze on my skin