I love discovering clever web projects. Today, I present you the entire Pacific Crest Trail compressed into 3 minutes. I found adding 1 second of video from each day to be a very unique approach to this.
Category: Social Media and the Web
Social media presents huge opportunities to engage with all your stakeholders: customers, owners, and the larger community.
Twitter and Rage
Every so often I read something on twitter which infuriates me, filling me with horror and revulsion. I long for the power to remove such wretched souls, deleting the parasitic blight. However, I know that is not my path. Reveling in rage only fills me with misery. I seek the right response, though, one which shows them the destruction they wreck. Perhaps, someday, such shall be found. Until then, the best I see is to act with kindness to their victims.
New Photographer Discovery: Eric Esterle
I just came across this photo over at 500px and just fell in love.
Eric Esterle gives some great detail about the creation of this photo, and some nice insights into his post-production work.
More of his work on the web:
Modern Business, Social Media, and @Taylorswift13
Inc. has a great piece looking at Taylor Swift and her uber-successful social media dialog with Apple. I’ve been very impressed with Ms. Swift. Her savvy social media execution has helped build her into a powerful brand. This is a woman who will have a powerful impact for years to come.
The article sums up the tools she used for success in this case nicely. She maintained a respectful tone in her dialog with Apple (I’m reluctant to use any other term as she made a statement and Apple, extremely wisely, took the advice). They also look at the way she’s managed her relationship with her fans, with which I think she’s done an exceptional job. And I adore the way she’s poked fun, in a very positive way, at the media speculation and harassment that follows her.
Ms. Swift is a bright, talented and engaging woman, who I think has done an exceptional job to date managing her brand, life and business interests. There’s a lot to learn from her savvy, no matter the sector you find yourself in. And if you’re in the arts, there’s tons.
Zorpia Blues
I’m seeing a bunch of emails from friends and colleagues from Zorpia. It ostensibly seems to be a social networking, but clearly is a phishing scheme. They will look like invites from a friend. Do Not Open The Messages From Them!
Here’s a blog post that sums up the joy.
Along with this, always double check with the assumed sender before you click on these sorts of things. And, even if they say “yeah, it’s a great site”, spend a little time with Google to verify. It’s really hard to undo this sort of damage.
Social Media Meditation
So many articles about how to make zillions on social media. I’ve long ago grown weary of that discussion. Don’t get caught up in the “magic money” mindset: “Set up Facebook/Twitter and watch the money roll in”.
Social media provides great opportunities to engage communities. Connecting with a wider audience without much monetary cost is fantastic. However, there is the time cost to consider. Also, everyone is on these channels, as the cost is so low. Developing a distinct voice can be challenging, yet is critical. A key part of that is focus: you can’t be everything to everyone. Trying such dilutes that focus, and you lose sight of what’s critical. It’s better to have 300 engaged fans than 10k unengaged ones. Follower and Like counting are not always the best metrics. Be thoughtful how you measure success.
Your social media meditation for Sunday. Go forth and do great things!
Scaling to the personal
Something that struck me this morning: the internet grows bigger, driving us to go closer. We have tools that let us broadcast to unimaginable numbers. Yet it’s the personal that works. Even with thousands of Twitter followers (or more), the relationship is based on a one-to-one feeling of connection. Even large brands are trying to push into that space. It makes sense: none of us want to be just a number. Our marketing and PR tools need to be built focussed on creating that sense of connection.
Social Media Success
One common element to successful social media campaigns: fun. Seems quite simple, yet it’s everything. Simply trying to make money, or gaining popularity, shows. That’s trite and pathetic behavior offline, too. But delighting in human interaction, in these discussions and conversations; connections get made. All those “success metrics” build out from there. Genuineness: social media’s gold standard.
Social Media Success
One common element to successful social media campaigns: fun. Seems quite simple, yet it’s everything. Simply trying to make money, or gaining popularity, shows. That’s trite and pathetic behavior offline, too. But delighting in human interaction, in these discussions and conversations; connections get made. All those “success metrics” build out from there. Genuineness: social media’s gold standard.
Social Media Marketing Thought
Social media is a powerful marketing tool, but it’s about engagement & connection. It is only as effective as the effort, as the amount and qualify of work you put in.