More Tech Thoughts From The Sky

I’m sitting on a plane now returning to Seattle after the better part of a week away. With my trusty tablet, though, I’m pretty fully connected. My laptop is at my feet, sleeping peacefully. My phone is charging. And I’m fully in touch with the world. Well, save for the slow wifi and the fact I lost my stylus. The wifi should be excused as it looks like nearly everyone is online in some way, shape or form.

But we’re never satisfied, are we? Always want more, more speed, more power, and that’s what drives innovation and competition. The possibility to out innovate the established player drives us further.

Still, I’m struck by what I can do, right now. It didn’t seem so long ago that it was novel to just use a laptop in flight, without any connectivity. Really, if we think about it, it’s amazing.

Someone will make internet even faster, and other new glorious opportunities will arise. My biggest hope, though, is that we shorten security lines and shorten flight times. Oh, to dream!

Oh, Glorious Technology

I’ll write more about this later, but I wanted to share some notes from the past week at KW Family Reunion. First, modern real estate lives on smartphones. It’s nearly impossible to imagine doing this work without a smartphone. I’m using my trusty Samsung S5 and LG G tablet. The majority of phones I’ve seen this week are iPhones. iPads are prevalent for the heavier lifting begging for tablets. I’ve been surprised, and pleased bug the number of Surface devices (former Microsoftee here). I’m pretty sure that will be my next “laptop”.

So many people crowd the relatively few outlets around the Orange county convention center. Finding plug-in spots provided some challenges. I bought an external battery pack/charger. Wise. Charging my phone waking around, never having to find room at one of the charging stations, nor find an outlet somewhere: priceless!

Just a few lessons for you.


Living in the Future

This morning, like many, upon waking I grabbed my trusty tablet and organized my day. Email reviewed, tasks considered, organized; yet I’m still warm in bed. What an amazing time!

I wonder:  Where do we go from here? Perhaps a Google Glass variant, the Google Contacts, where we do all the above without opening our eyes?

Is there a limit where we just won’t go further? Perhaps a Google Implant will chill us? Or are such things, allowed to simmer a generation or two, eventually a natural notion?

Of such I wonder….

More thoughts on Karmagate

Just read “Karmagate: 3 former Microsoft women discuss Nadella and what should come next” and came away with one key idea. Mr. Nadella has an opportunity for boldness and vision. My respect for him would grow if he publicly acknowledged the painful ignorance of his “Karmagate” faux pas (which he somewhat has done) and aggressively seek to change the inequalities in the tech sector.

I have the deepest respect for those who not only acknowledge mistakes, but use them as leverage points to affect positive change. Nadella has an opportunity to go from good to great. I hope he takes it.

(*my first response is here)

T-Mobile: Agitator Extrordinaire

Reading this piece about John Legere and T-Mobile’s marketing drove home several thoughts that have been lurking in my mind. First, creating a unique brand presence in a saturated/commodified market is very, very hard. How do we make these boring items sexy? Working in real estate, I’ve been struggling with that for some time. Having a flamboyant leader, one who doesn’t shrink from the limelight nor controversy is critical.

How does one rise to front of mind in today’s media landscape? Uniqueness is key. A certain eccentricity, and self-love of that, really helps. It also helps having gobs of cash to spend.

I think the next wireless sector winner will be a fierce competitor. T-Mobile matches that.

T-Mobile: Agitator Extrordinaire

Reading this piece about John Legere and T-Mobile’s marketing drove home several thoughts that have been lurking in my mind. First, creating a unique brand presence in a saturated/commodified market is very, very hard. How do we make these boring items sexy? Working in real estate, I’ve been struggling with that for some time. Having a flamboyant leader, one who doesn’t shrink from the limelight nor controversy is critical.

How does one rise to front of mind in today’s media landscape? Uniqueness is key. A certain eccentricity, and self-love of that, really helps. It also helps having gobs of cash to spend.

I think the next wireless sector winner will be a fierce competitor. T-Mobile matches that.

The Limits Of Web Solutions

Today, one of the main sites I work out of is struggling with a DDOS attack. Well, it’s actually been the past few days. This site tracks my workflow, and houses my to-do list. Being locked out has moved from annoyance to inconvenience to problem to serious issue.

This has me wonder, though: is technology really ready for “prime time”? For those of us who have shifted our calendars, tracking systems, CRM to the web, what is at risk? A relatively simply action can create significant paralysis.

To be clear, I’m not ready to abandon all my tech solutions and grab paper and binders yet. But I am considering what I can do, analog or otherwise, to be better able to react to these nuisances. There is no guarantee that any website will remain in business tomorrow. There are technological snafus. How do I minimize the risks inherent with going all-in with tech/web solutions? I’ll be meditating on that for the next few days. 

Prime Music

In case you missed the announcement, Amazon has launched Prime Music. As you can guess, Amazon is the latest tech animal to enter the online music fray. I downloaded the iPhone app last night and have been streaming music at my desk at work today. For now, the music selection is pretty small for the streaming service. As a heavy Spotify user, Amazon is not going to displace my current habits. Prime looks to be supplementing/feeding their mp3 download service. That’s not where I am, at this point. Key phrase: at this point.

I fully expect that Amazon is “in it to win”. They’re fierce competitors, and I expect that they’ll push this service further. Probably, there will come a point that Spotify’s $9/mo service will seem redundant to my Prime membership fee. Then it will be tough. I’m not keen on giving too much control over my life to one vendor. However, I value my cash. Yeah; tough. Or, perhaps, Spotify will be bought by one of the big players and this will become a non-issue. Always in motion, the future.

MaydayPAC and Hope for Democracy

I am excited by this project: Mayday, creating a crowdsourced SuperPac to end all SuperPacs (SuperDuperPac?). I’ve long admired Larry’s work, and also have been concerned by cash’s influence in politics. For me, this has the potential to be a profound pivotal moment of the internet age and social media driven democracy. This coming Monday (June 16) at 8:00 pm EASTERN time, Mr. Lessig and Amanda Palmer will be hosting a video conversation that I expect will be very much worth your time. If I can at all make this work with my calendar, I will be online for this.

Update: Here’s some recommended “pre-reading”:  1)  2)  3)