Solved Mailchimp Issue 

While trying to send out an email this morning I got stuck with this error message. 

“Your list has an email type option, so the text part is required”

Mailchimp has settings for each list and the issue is buried in there. 

  1. Go to “Lists” 
  2. Select the list in question 
  3. Then “settings”
  4. Then “List Name and Defaults”
  5. Uncheck “let users pick plain text or html”

That fixed the problem for me and let me send the email. 

Not Able To View Tabs In Google Sheets

We had an issue this week of not being able to view the worksheet tabs across the bottom of a Google Sheet spreadsheet. This one was extremely annoying as I couldn’t see the screen of the user in question. Oddly, when I opened up the same sheet, I couldn’t either. But simply scrolling down brought the tabs into view. Didn’t work for the person I was helping, though. So, I poked around the internets and found this discussion in Google Docs Help. There are a couple of things they recommend.

  • if you have the Ask toolbar in your browser, remove it
  • try opening the spreadsheet using “incognito mode”
  • if that works, then we need to disable extensions until we determine the one causing the problem
  • try resizing the browser screen
  • try using Firefox (or another browser. If you’re in Firefox, then try Chrome or IE)

Anyway, I hope you find this helpful. Let me know in the comments.

Update: this came up again today. For this case, the line across the bottom of the Chrome window which pops-up when you download a file was blocking the tabs view. Make sure you close that window!

Download Popup Box

Not Able To View Tabs In Google Sheets

We had an issue today of not being able to view the worksheet tabs across the bottom of a Google Sheet spreadsheet. This one was extremely annoying as I couldn’t see the screen of the user in question. Oddly, when I opened up the same sheet, I couldn’t either. But simply scrolling down brought the tabs into view. Didn’t work for the person I was helping, though. So, I poked around the internets and found this discussion in Google Docs Help. There are a couple of things they recommend.

  • if you have the Ask toolbar in your browser, remove it
  • try opening the spreadsheet using “incognito mode”
  • if that works, then we need to disable extensions until we determine the one causing the problem
  • try resizing the browser screen
  • try using Firefox (or another browser. If you’re in Firefox, then try Chrome or IE)
  • Anyway, I hope you find this helpful. Let me know in the comments.

    Fixing Youtube “Embedding disabled by request”

    So, one of my team’s videos was showing this error: “embedding disabled by request”. I have no idea how that setting got changed, as I simply uploaded it and then tried to embed it into our website.

    As you’d expect, this was obnoxious. Finding the solution was a bit annoying, too, as the most recent post I found, from 2009, Which, as you might expect, wasn’t helpful. However, I did get it figured out.

    • Go to This will give you the master list of all your videos.
    • Skim through to the video in question, click “Edit”. 
    • Go to “Advanced Settings” 
    • Scroll down to “Distribution Options” & Click Allow Embedding”

    My Recent Cell Phone Fail

    I’m very happy with the Samsung S5 I bought last year. However, there’s one mistake I made for which I’ve been kicking myself for. When I was thinking about buying the next phone, I knew, KNEW I needed at least 32 gb. And yet, for some daft reason, I only bought 16. Really, an oversight, but one that’s making my life painful right now. I’m constantly deleting stuff so that I can perform updates. Part of my joy comes from running Lollipop.

    I dropped and broke my phone a few months back, and the replacement came with 5.0. There’s much good, but it uses a ton of space. Almost 6 gb is used by the os. So, any cache of significant size has, well, hurt. I have a SD card loaded and have most apps on there. Still, though, with all the bloatware that ATT has on my phone and other things I can’t port over, it’s been a royal pain in the tush. Reinforces my basic premise: no more phones less than 32 gb. And I’m starting to wonder if, maybe, upon my next phone, I’m going to go 64. I’m also looking at LGs, but that’s another post.

    My Recent Cell Phone Fail

    I’m very happy with the Samsung S5 I bought last year. However, there’s one mistake I made for which I’ve been kicking myself for. When I was thinking about buying the next phone, I knew, KNEW I needed at least 32 gb. And yet, for some daft reason, I only bought 16. Really, an oversight, but one that’s making my life painful right now. I’m constantly deleting stuff so that I can perform updates. Part of my joy comes from running Lollipop.

    I dropped and broke my phone a few months back, and the replacement came with 5.0. There’s much good, but it uses a ton of space. Almost 6 gb is used by the os. So, any cache of significant size has, well, hurt. I have a SD card loaded and have most apps on there. Still, though, with all the bloatware that ATT has on my phone and other things I can’t port over, it’s been a royal pain in the tush. Reinforces my basic premise: no more phones less than 32 gb. And I’m starting to wonder if, maybe, upon my next phone, I’m going to go 64. I’m also looking at LGs, but that’s another post.

    My newest web project: ForwardFacing

    I’m moving all my more formal business and technology focused writing over to my new website, Forward Facing. The goal is for to be more of a personal site. Forward Facing will showcase my writing and web work in a more professional manner. At least that’s the plan.

    Part of the fun with this, though, is that is showing up in Twitter’s spam/malware database. I guess the prior owners were nasty with it. Anyway, I’ve made the initial request of Twitter to get removed from that list. Which me luck.