A morning meditation for you, my friends

I have plenty of moments when I don’t trust my gut. When my heart screams out, but I don’t believe that it can be right. I’m working on that, though.

I deeply value the arts, and have encouraged many to pursue that path. Even when it’s likely they’ll not attain wealth and privilege. So, this post sings to me.

So, I pray you find your place. Find the beautiful place within yourself. And share it boldly.

Ways of Making Tea

I love tea, and I have a particular fondness for English (or Irish, or Welsh) breakfast teas. Once (ages ago) I was lectured by a British chap about the proper way to make tea (and how I was NOT doing so). Therefore, this xkcd was perfect.

I’ve been a fan of this comic for ages. I’m sure I shared from them before, but thought I’d highlight a few of my favorites. And, if you haven’t, encourage you to follow them.

Here are my two favorite comics (and this is a solid tie):

and this one…

So, I hope you enjoyed and consider giving them a follow.

Hurricane Hunters?

xkcd logo

XKCD - Hurricane Hunters Comic
Flying into the eye of a hurricane is dangerous, especially if your passengers were planning on flying to Saint Louis.

I love xkcd comics! With the recent hurricane, I thought this was rather timely.

Me being me, if I were an inadvertent passenger on a hurricane chaser flight, I expect I’d utilize all the flights barfbags. Yes, that’s where my mind went!

Anyway, you should subscribe to them. Now!


Famous Moments in History, Reimagined By Centrists

Here’s a comic from The Nib that gave me pause. What are the bounds of free speech? A what point does “centrism” enable the destructive forces of hate?

Comics provide a unique voice in the modern political climate that I value. This particular series was created by Kasia Babis. The link will take you to a large list of their work. You really should check them out.

Covid 19: Comic’s Power To Communicate

I love this comic showing the battle between Covid 19 and the medical community.



“Just Keep Missing” by Gavin Aung Than

I discovered Mr. Aung Than this week and already posted one of his comics earlier. However, I wanted to post one more. As someone who struggles with my identity as an artist, who fights frustration and feelings of futility, and the demon of perfectionism, this one spoke quite loudly to me. And knowing so many who walk/walked the same path, I felt deep value in sharing this one. Keep to the path, face down that ugly voice within, fight, and keep creating. The world needs more beauty.

Comic Art Inspired by Dune’s “Litany Against Fear”

Frank Herbert’s “Dune” holds a key spot in my soul. The “Litany Against Fear” that Herbert created spoke power to my soul back as a teen, carrying forth to this day. Gavin Aung Than’s art inspired by the litany holds power, too, speaking to today.