morning rain
a song, to me
Pursuing Progress
morning rain
a song, to me
in the light of dawn
this bitter bite of winter
balancing with grace
The winter air has a substantive bite. Our weather reports hinted at snow, January marching into February. Yet, even in this time of cold, of darkness, flowers grace life with reminders that spring approaches.
from moon and stars
memories of tomorrow
drifting between dreams
I love this image I found on Adobe Spark. Might be via Pexals, but when I’m on the app, it’s not at all clear. But it’s a very fun haiku.
morning darkness
unwanted wakefulness;
listening to the rain
looking up at dusk
the stars starting to appear
the fog of my breath
stars to the left
and to the right forever
still brings me wonder
Moving through the leaves
As the rain begins to fall
These autumnal strolls
Though I got drenched, I did get a poem out of it.
autumnal daylight
crisp, cool air awakens me
I reach for my tea
I woke to a lovely autumn morning. The rain holding off until a convenient time opens up possibilities. Yet, I expect to spend most of the day in front of a computer.