Staring over oblivion’s edge
Ancient dreams echo back
Taunting me from the mists,
Warbling amongst fir and cedar
Known, yet unseen, untouched.
Once the sun awakens and life’s
Raucous, boisterous clamor
Silences the challenge, peace
Tag: dreams
Starry Night
Jewels upon blackness,
Tangled sparkles, velvet dreams,
Icy air drives me.
My mind drifts onward
Lighting upon cloudy dreams
Embraced future tense
Active Mind
Clear my mind
Still the racing thoughts
Images, feelings colliding
Madly against mental
Crushed deep within me
Aggressively derail dreams
Madness of my soul
Vicarious Lives
Gracefully accepting
Dreams gifted from the heart
Yet meant for another.
These are customized,
Wearing someone else’s
No matter how well meant
Is ugly and
Mid-Night Wakefulness
Awoken by
The movement of
Youth: A Haiku Series
Youth inspires me.
Faces forces intending
On destroying their dreams.
Resisting that force
Believing in their dreamer
Never to wither.
Freedom of the Abyss
I no longer fear the abyss,
Whether the cave of forbidden dreams
Or the anguish of unrequited love.
I gaze upon the emptiness
Inside of which remains the awareness of
Joyous hopes deep within the stillness.
Life unbroken and strong.