A Walk Along The Waterfront

through fading sunlight

walk along the waterfront

filled with memories

Most of my life orbited the Edmonds waterfront, just north of Seattle. My grandparents lived here. So many memories of walking with my grandfather here, sometimes riding the ferry. He loved talking with everyone, hearing their stories. His gift of listening appreciated.

December 30, 2020

the sun’s descent
behind the mountains
into the sea

I took this photo at Marina Beach, along the Edmonds waterfront earlier this week. It’s one of my favorite place on earth.

Shot with my Samsung S9, I’m quite amazed at the quality of images that I get from my phone. I also wonder how much better my photos would be if I used a better phone, or, egads, an actual camera.

Haiku, July 30, 2020

walking in sunlight life’s

beauty singing to me

the scent of the shore

Another day in the summer sun. Most of it spent in front of my computer. More visual basic into my skull. I try to focus deeply, for coding is a key part of my future.

Exercise and health are other parts. Ones I’ve neglected, sadly. I’m slowly clawing that back. Slowly.

Walked in the early afternoon sun. After a few hours of exploring code, went down to Edmonds to run a few errands then go for a short walk. Always a happy thing for me, downtown Edmonds.

I hope you find your bliss and tranquility these fine summer days.

A Spring Haiku

Olympic Mountains From Edmonds, WA

looking westward
cold air upon my face
spring begins

I’ve been using Canva for a lot of my photo editing lately, mainly since I do a lot on my Samsung S9. Since I’m spending a lot of time in front of my computer right now, it seems like a good reason to open up Photoshop and play in there. A quick little piece to show I remember how to use it.