I find this quote just lovely, and fits the life I try to live.
I hope it finds you well this first of March Friday morning. May your day and month be fulfilling and uplifting.
Building Positivity
I find this quote just lovely, and fits the life I try to live.
I hope it finds you well this first of March Friday morning. May your day and month be fulfilling and uplifting.
I finished my final final and turned in my final project for fall quarter yesterday. Now, I’m in the process of getting my feet back under me. I have a few hundred emails to go through, so will be spending some dedicated time go through them all.
As I work to process all the stuff, I read this gem: “Malcolm Gladwell’s 3-Word Reminder to Stop You from Overthinking“. Overthinking and analysis-paralysis are perpetual problems for me, but I continue to work on them. Articles like this help remind me of the importance of keeping my brain under control.
A few excerpts that I’m clipping/posting on my wall.
Nothing kills progress faster than indecision!
Uncertainty of the future shouldn’t freeze us but rather free us.
“This belief we have that the future is knowable is crazy. People need to have the freedom to take more chances.” — Malcolm Gladwell
I need to remind myself that the world rewards those who have the stones to keep moving forward regardless if they don’t know their destination
So, I, too, resolve to live by his last line: “Screw it, let’s go!”
I have a few favorite tools that really make school more effective. One: I get my textbooks on Kindle. I have the Kindle app on my computer, plus I have it on my phone and iPad. Having my books wherever I find myself is great. Plus, I can hit ctrl+F and search the whole book quickly. This has been really helpful when I’m struggling to remember “that one command”.
Also, I have Grammarly’s app installed. Being able to spell and grammar check in the browser is a great time saver.
Lastly, I love using Evernote to take notes. I often use paper, and also the note feature within the Kindle apps. But I can scan the papers, and import the Kindle notes, so all of them are in Evernote. Again, being able to search is powerful, and being able to review whenever I have a few minutes of downtime is great.
Music, a deeply critical part of my life. I use it to reflect my mood or change it. It gives me energy, focus, feeds sadness. Such a powerful thread interweaving my whole life.
I’ve been streaming Kaki King the past few days. Her music covers such a wide range of topics and styles. She has plenty of pieces that give me energy and focus, important things since my studies are demanding plenty of both lately.
Pieces like this have been today’s loops:
Explore more about my relationship with music here.
Here’s my daily playlist built on my current interests and foci.
I struggle with putting too much stock in the opinions of others. I guess it’s natural to want friends, etc, to support and validate your thoughts.
However, if you are seeking to do something new and innovative, you will come up against natural human resistance to change. No matter how good an idea, some well-meaning people will challenge it.
Take their critique, analyze it, then make your own decision. You have to live YOUR life. Ensure that you won’t face regret.
On the other side of this coin: I seek to ensure I’m not “some idiot”. I don’t want to reflexively crap on the ideas of others. What do I know, anyway? I’ve made many wrong predictions in my life. I’m not clairvoyant!
When I’m asked my opinion on such things, I try to focus on details and on what challenges I perceive. I seek to help clarify and refine a vision, not damage or destroy them.
I want to help people achieve their goals and dreams, not damage them. “Leave people better than you find them”.
Photo by Gui Spinardi from Pexels
I found the article (from Medium) above insightful. It speaks to a challenge that I find tempting: blaming external forces for my challenges. The line ‘“I’m just a messy person” excuses you from taking responsibility for the mess’ really strikes home. It reminds me of the power of self-talk, of those mental scripts that I often don’t even think to check. They happen so automatically that I’m not aware. For years I’ve known about this, and yet I still find these scripts running in the background. And I will continue to create new ones, to take responsibility for what’s in my mind, and seek forward motion.
What about you? Are you aware of such thoughts, and how corrosive they can be? Give the article a read and let me know what you think.
As a martial artist and Star Wars fan, this speaks to me deeply. The reminder to keep trying, to keep getting up and trying again. Never give up on your goals.
boldness of vision
living the best possible life
longing for springtime
Find hope at endings
As they’re a new beginning
Always move forwards
As I move through another period of transition, I focus on the possible. I gain energy from that, driving me forwards. Yes, there are frustrations, challenges, and road blocks, but remember the goal. Always focus on moving forwards.
Grace and peace to you my friends!