This new week starting
So very many options
Soon, the mountains glow
It’s Monday, go make something great
Realizing the potential of technology
This morning I woke early. It was not planned (generally isn’t).
I brain-dumped on how I could be managing all my projects better. All the things I think I could do better.
I realized how weird it might be to get excited about this.
Remember: I’m focused on growth. I don’t want to be focused in maintaining an illusion of perfection. If there are no challenges in my life, I’m not challenging myself. I’m not growing. I have no interest In staying in that state. Now, I admit that there’s something to be said for a stresses existence. And there are times I wonder why I do THIS to myself.
I want to grow. I want to do better each time. That doesn’t happen by sitting around congratulating myself.
So, yeah, I’m pretty stoked about my analysis. There are things to grow. Success leaves clues. I spent time looking for them.
Seth often makes me pause and think. “We don’t do rabbits” has a simple premise? Focus.
A vet struggles to help a rabbit. Their challenge: they don’t know rabbits.
Wouldn’t it be better for everyone, especially the rabbit, it said vet acknowledged this and referred them to a rabbit expert?
Know what you’re good at, and what you’re not. By specializing we expand the quality of our “product”, whatever that may be.
We can’t be everything to everyone. I expect you’ve heard that before. Scattered focus results in weaker/poorer quality. We end up serving no one well. Fear, manifesting as desperation, often drives us to try and please everyone.
I ask myself this: is it better to complete 100 tasks poorly, or one exceptionally?
It’s part of the power of “no”.
I continuously need to recharge the positive side of my life. There’s so much negativity, which wears me done.
I appreciate this reminder to be bold, to have the courage to ask. Asking not only displays your desire, but also holds you accountable. Others now know your dreams, and, if they’re invested in your success, will hold you to your goals. Which is critical for attaining those goals, those dreams.
May your Monday be effective and affirming. And may your Christmas shopping be free of conflict and aggravation.
​“in life, in the world, we are never given two known results to choose between, but only one result that we choose without knowing what it is.”
This is something I need to continuously remind myself about. I always want to know all the details around any choice I need to make. I want certainty. And it never comes.
Because such isn’t possible.
That reality needs to be absorbed into my mind fully.
Do you struggle with this? With the intrinsic need to control the details, avoiding the “wrong choice”?
How do you keep this under control?
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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now.”
– Chinese or African Proverb
I’ve heard the quote above attributed to both the Chinese and Africans. At some point, I should spend a little time with Google and answer that definitively. But, really, today the origination of the quote isn’t my concern.
At times I get stuck fretting about the fact I “didn’t start this sooner”. I frustrate myself with that mindset, but it became reflexive. And I lose time and energy with this. >0 time or energy on this mindset: too much.
Lamenting the past is a foolish exercise. Living live with no regrets is not about not making mistakes. Rather accepting that mistakes and poor choices are part of the package. Make the best choices you can, learn from the negatives, then move forward. I need to remind myself constantly, though.
If it’s valuable, do it. Start. There is not better time than now. Really!