As mornings are born
Light pours into the darkness
Potential returns
Mornings have great power, setting the tone for the day.
Realizing the potential of technology
Saying “No” to opportunities…a huge challenge for me. Mastering this provides key benefits. The biggest? Focus. The more time and energy directed towards the things that matter, that we value, the more we accomplish. Related to that: distractions. Saying “yes” too often ensures a distracted, unfocused, confused life. One with missed deadlines, people left hanging, and the burden of extra stress. Damage that community too much and you become branded as someone unreliable.
Protecting our focus matters greatly. What else do we have? Life is just a collection of moments. We don’t get them back. It’s critical to spend our time doing things that we value. That’s the path to a satisfying life.
Currently, I find it challenging to deal with all the world’s negativity. Power, control and cache get granted to those who “pwn” the strongest. We relish the putting down, degradation and humiliation of those we deem “enemy” or other.
Long ago, I committed to living life the opposite way. Seeking ways to build up my community, even those I disagree with. Asking how we can find common ground, especially in this age.
After checking the news (inadvisable at times), I feel it important to re-commit to that path. Perhaps even more boldly, with greater energy.
“Let’s find the win-win in this life” I tell myself as the sirens pass by.
This flowed into my inbox moments ago. I like it!
Now, let’s be clear, it’s also uncomfortable. This speaks to me because, well, it IS me. I work hard to face mistakes, use them to make myself better. But fear plays a loud part. I hate looking/feeling incompetent. Really, though, that’s my label. My self-talk…talking. I need to remember to tell it to shut up. Often! At least always.
How do you deal with mistakes? How do you make such things positives? Let me know in the comments below.
A challenge of mine
As with so many others
Launch my idea
I, for one, find it hard to actually take my ideas, my dreams live. The action of making it real has risk, the chance of failure. Lately, though, I’ve read so very much about the value of failure. I need to work at controlling those fears, ensuring I’m effective and moving forward with accomplishing my dreams.
I love this one by Jorge Cham of PhD comics.
Reminds me of all the times that I’ve had anxiety attacks when asked to push outside of my boundaries. So, a few things to remember:
Alrighty, back to your regularly scheduled Thursday.
With all the work I’ve done studying organization and productivity systems, a common element: taking time to thoughtfully consider actions. In today’s day-and-age, it’s easy to get caught up in stimulus:response, on reactive reactions. Or, as the adage goes, “running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off”.
Taking time to:
These are all critical to developing the correct solution for a particular challenge. There are always multiple responses and actions one can take. Knowing which one corrects the situation without creating a worse one requires considering all these elements.
It’s so easy, especially in today’s hyper-sped world, to lose sight of the time necessary. The urge to “do something NOW” is so powerful, and it often creates more damage than solution.
Our progress moves faster when we aren’t spending time repairing damage our inattention to details creates.