who can disparage
the wind’s grace within the sky
bird’s dance on the wing
This is my response to the Fandango Word Of The Day Challenge: “disparage”. One of my photos taken earlier this week, image edited in Adobe Spark, font Lora Regular.
Building Positivity
who can disparage
the wind’s grace within the sky
bird’s dance on the wing
This is my response to the Fandango Word Of The Day Challenge: “disparage”. One of my photos taken earlier this week, image edited in Adobe Spark, font Lora Regular.
springtime is nearing
flowers eating the sunshine
blown by the cool breeze
balancing beauty
droplets of blood on rose thorns
drawn by vanity
this winter’s motion
sunlight climbing through the sky
crocuses blooming
through the rainfall
as it changes to snow
the birds now confused
Found this blossom during my walk the other day. More signs that spring is almost here. Yet today we had rain, wind, snow and hail. It was quite a day, weather – wise.
seeking signs of spring
renewed life begins to bud
with rain less bitter
On today’s walk I focused on searching for signs of spring. Not many yet, but I found these. I expect that the signs will grow via each passing day. C
winter’s grip loosening
with the clouds drifting eastward
wonder of birdsong
as crocuses bloom
February nearly done
the air still quite cool
Flowers are pushing their way above the soil. Yet most of the trees remain barren. But one I saw today has a riot of small blossoms. Change continues, as it does.
in the light of dawn
this bitter bite of winter
balancing with grace
The winter air has a substantive bite. Our weather reports hinted at snow, January marching into February. Yet, even in this time of cold, of darkness, flowers grace life with reminders that spring approaches.