Lost dreams within me
Focusing my energy
Seeking their return
Realizing the potential of technology
Lost dreams within me
Focusing my energy
Seeking their return
A warrior isn’t somebody who doesn’t get knocked down. It’s somebody who doesn’t stay knocked down
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>I try to focus
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>The greatest of challenges
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Making lives better than
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>
p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Well, I try…
I’ve long been a devote of Steven Covey. To this day, I try to keep his principles in mind.
One of the central elements is the importance: urgency grid.
The upper right grid is the key place: but urgent and important. Urgent and important grab priority, followed by urgent and not important. Not important and not urgent tend to grab our time, too. The realm of time wasting.
Many people cycle between the urgents and time wasting. The not urgent important gets neglected.
That’s the realm of Hope. This painful cycle minimizes hope; it doesn’t get fed.
No wonder we swirl about in anger so much. Why we focus on win-lose, why we’re so afraid.
We never feed hope.
Tomorrow’s calling
Trying to dance with the fog
Emptiness embraced
Tunnel in now
Tune out mundane distraction
Be exceptional
To live in this moment,
Ephemeral, moving,
An aim easy to lose.
Focus, my friends,
Focus is key.