Calming coolness upon me
Memories of walking, early morning, Seattle
Along the peak of Capitol Hill
Downwards through the city
Before urban life starts
Before thousands of coffee cups
Deliver their payloads
Of productivity
Realizing the potential of technology
Calming coolness upon me
Memories of walking, early morning, Seattle
Along the peak of Capitol Hill
Downwards through the city
Before urban life starts
Before thousands of coffee cups
Deliver their payloads
Of productivity
Walked to the living room
p style=”font-family:"”>Grabbed my phone
p style=”font-family:"”>Nodded off checking social media
p style=”font-family:"”>Forgot why I went out there
p style=”font-family:"”>This is annoying
p style=”font-family:"”>Tell me stories
p style=”font-family:"”>Shapes in the paint
p style=”font-family:"”>Reach out
p style=”font-family:"”>Like the dead
p style=”font-family:"”>Demanding to be
p style=”font-family:"”>Heard
p style=”font-family:"”>
What’s my path forward?
Unpredictable, of course
My inner voice knows
The right way.
Now, to silence the noise
And listen to the birds
At dawn
I stand on the edge
p style=”font-family:"”>Where end and beginning
p style=”font-family:"”>Tumble into each other
p style=”font-family:"”>One foot in yin
p style=”font-family:"”>The other on yang
p style=”font-family:"”>Stars dance around me
p style=”font-family:"”>As I await the sun
His soul hides
Deep within old leather covers
Safe upon the shelf
Sometimes pulled down
Blowing dust free
Forgotten poems read
In the fading light
Of dusk
Beautiful words
Embrace my mind
Yet life demands
My attention
For so long
I’ve worshipped
At logic’s altar
The cold linear stone now
Seems empty to me
Time to go within
Into mystery
The unspoken certainly
Arising from hope
And the love
For beauty
Dreams of motion
p style=”font-family:"”>Cars and vans, across deserts
p style=”font-family:"”>Sunlight’s glaring strength
p style=”font-family:"”>The forces of life drive hard
p style=”font-family:"”>Each day waking
p style=”font-family:"”>I’m the same bed
p style=”font-family:"”>With different views
p style=”font-family:"”>Outside this glass
p style=”font-family:"”>Wheels sparkle in the day
p style=”font-family:"”>Transitions happen
Do not give in to fear
Each step of acquiesce
Feeds the beast
Growing it
Face it down!
Demand it sit
Then lay down
Into the dirt
Your power