each moment grace
talking with friends of fears
as the rain falls
Building Positivity
each moment grace
talking with friends of fears
as the rain falls
Friends are beautiful
Easy as riding a bike
Graceful connection
I hopped into Canva looking for inspiration, and found this template. Bicycles delight me, and friends are wondrous. The haiku felt pretty natural with all those pieces coming together.
I see the world very much like “The Reluctant Xtian” does. I, too, have buried many people. Have my son who I adore. My wife, my parents, dear friends….I, too, want the communication of “I love you” to be the last thing I say, or hear. So, give this a read. It’s an important call to action, call to life.
My wife picked up my phone and saw the latest text exchange with one of my best friends and colleagues, now in New Mexico. As the sign off I said, “Love you.” “Love you, too,” he texted back. She started making kissy faces and saying, “Aww…so sweet. You and your boyfriend.” We laughed, and she […]
Arrogance’s ease
Our superiority
Disconnecting us
Moments flickering
Ever so briefly shining
Glimpse living sunlight
My heart flows gently
Over rocks, slowly shaping
Those immense, rigid
Marvels of power, strength,
Smoothing them into magnificent
Roundness, like they’d always
Been such, eternally shaped.
I hold the truth deep within;
My secret, my delight.