the grace of sunlight
drifting downwards through the trees
junkos in the yard
Pursuing Progress
the grace of sunlight
drifting downwards through the trees
junkos in the yard
gazing to the west
with the sun descending low
as the air's cooling
Looking to the west as I walk through this park. Sunlight drifts through the trees. Summer in the north bringing a steep angle to the light. Richly beautiful. To me, at least.
wandering my streets
behind the brick facade
the future awaits
night enveloping
embracing its mysteries
coolness in the air
sunlight descending
embracing Western mountains
air becomes kinder
Walking through the woods as the sun drops low. I love the light at this angle.
sunlight to the west
dusk appearing through the trees
boisterous jays preach
with the wind waiting
gentle sun upon wind chimes
breeze awakes slowly
freedom of sunlight
dancing upon the spring breeze
petals showing wear
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waking near the trees
sunlight moves across the clouds
flowers grace my path
watching flowers dance
as I rest in my hammock
sunlight glimmering
On Twitter there’s a daily “haiku challenge” by @Baffled (today’s word is “rest”). I try my best to do these every day. A lovely community has sprung up around them. For me, it’s one of the best parts of Twitter.