Tonight’s haiku is about learning from your mistakes

Learn from your mistakes
Stand up, smarter and wiser
Springtime approaches

The powerful thing one can do when facing mistakes is to taste a moment and absorb the learning. Let that mine in to your core, change you, make you wiser. That’s the kernel of humility. 

Relearning to Dream Boldly


p style=”font-family:"”>How do I relearn 


p style=”font-family:"”>To dream boldly


p style=”font-family:"”>To reach for the stars?


p style=”font-family:"”>


p style=”font-family:"”>First look skyward 


p style=”font-family:"”>In the night’s sky 


p style=”font-family:"”>Gaze upon Orion’s belt


p style=”font-family:"”> 


p style=”font-family:"”>One can’t reach


p style=”font-family:"”>What one cannot see.


p style=”font-family:"”>


p style=”font-family:"”>Vision creates


p style=”font-family:"”>Boldness