Your Best Work Isn’t “Nothing”

As you may have noticed, I think very highly of Seth Godin. This blog post gave words to an idea I’ve been considering:

Money for nothing

Seth says “…your best work isn’t nothing…”. I adore that! A reminder that our work is valuable, that our lives have worth. Seeking shortcuts to accomplishment not only shortchanges the one seeking the easy path, it short changes us all. We need to see the value we add, embrace that, and, then, get to work!
I hope you have a marvelously productive Monday!
When searching for a “Featured Image” for this post, I came across this one. Reminds of my favorite things when working for Starbucks and Microsoft. 

“…my mother died. I was with her. She is with me”

My mother died when I was 15. The impact lingers to this day.

So this piece by Masaru Goto struck me deeply:

…my mother died. I was with her. She is with me

I love the intersection of poetry and photography. I want to explore that myself.

A powerfully moving project.


Making The World Better: Thinking Positively

Currently, I find it challenging to deal with all the world’s negativity. Power, control and cache get granted to those who “pwn” the strongest. We relish the putting down, degradation and humiliation of those we deem “enemy” or other.

Long ago, I committed to living life the opposite way. Seeking ways to build up my community, even those I disagree with. Asking how we can find common ground, especially in this age.

After checking the news (inadvisable at times), I feel it important to re-commit to that path. Perhaps even more boldly, with greater energy.

“Let’s find the win-win in this life” I tell myself as the sirens pass by.