Make cool dreams reality
Defeat resistance
I had fun crafting this. Seems appropriate to have a haiku as a mission statement.
Pursuing Progress
p style=”font-family:"”>This last day of school
p style=”font-family:"”>Enjoy this summer of rest
p style=”font-family:"”>Each fall brings changes
p style=”font-family:"”>
The last day of school brings some melancholy thoughts. Lots of lasts today, followed by a bunch of firsts. For my house, middle school ends. The little boy who once lived in my house is taller than me. Joyous stuff, really, yet tinged with sadness v
Changes, so many, a constant string; such is life, I guess.
Summer’s heat is here
Children nearly done with school
Silent, save for crows
Just feeling fatigue
Today my body battles
Outside is sunshine
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Remembering calm
Summer’s days upon the grass
No anxieties